Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wrap up of today

Today was a very boring day...and that's a good thing. No contractions today (she's on meds to stop the contractions). And she got her second (of two) shot of steroids this afternoon. So the next steps are:
1) Let the steroids take effect (takes 24 hours after the second shot is given).
2) Bring blood sugar back under control, once the steroids have worked their magic. Apparently the 'roids induce high blood sugar, so they have her on an IV insulin rather than boluses. Patients are usually back to normal by 24 hours after the second shot.
3) Take her off the drugs which stop contractions.
4) See if she has contractions. If she does, they will put her back on the meds and keep her there. If not, she can go home.

If all 4 steps go well, she can come home. By my calculations, that could be as soon as friday afternoon, but Dr. Rothberg thinks we should plan to be there into the weekend, if not through the weekend.

Toby and I spent pretty much all day at the hospital and Toby and Jen played with the numbers ad nauseam.

That's all the news for today, except that Melinda (Dr. Menezes) is coming tonight to help us wrangle the boy. Maybe we can tell the docs that Jen will be under a physician's care for the weekend, and she can get special dispensation to come home.

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